who is “he”?

Jill Strehl
1 min readJun 20, 2024


Ever since he took office, we ask, “Why are they doing this?” (whatever it is)…and the answer is always the same, and shall always BE the same.

“Because they can.”

No one is stopping them — and if the average citizen steps outta line, The Man come and take you away. You think not? They’re girded for resistance, and they can push back much harder and destroy your life as an example to all who dare squeak….Deciding that any protest, no matter how peaceful, for example, means automatic jail time and financial ruin.

Write a letter of complaint to the editor? Now you’re on a list. Post something negative about current admin, even if you’re just sharing it, but not its originator? Get stopped for a tail-light out, and your name is cross-checked for being an “agitator”….or a “subversive”.

Or even just a “sympathizer”.

That’s why they keep us divided, and at each others’ throats.

They want that; they need us to keep predictably turning on each other, so we won’t collectively turn on them.




Jill Strehl

"We turn on each other for what we are not. I fear that more than the empty room." -J