This Land is THEIR Land.
I have read/heard that an absence of 5G towers with attendant cameras-on-steroids, is a reliable indication of that area will morphing into one of the designated “protected” (read: off-limits to ordinary citizens) areas whose “protection” from that same citizenry’s visitation/encroachment/residency will be enforced by militarized security forces — both boots on the ground, and armed drones.
That includes all federal lands and private landscapes which are scenic and have natural resources such as lakes, forests, rivers and mountain vistas. Many, many of these newly-deemed off-limits lands are, and have been for decades, supported by taxpayer dollars.
They do not want us driving through, walking, hiking or touching anything! they have decided needs their “overview and protection.”
It will be duly legislated, and if we wander onto any areas they have co-opted or outright stolen, we will be treated as “domestic terrorists”.
You ain’t seen NOTHIN’ yet.