Member-only story
thumbnail rants!
Many people on-line are expressing great displeasure about FB “knowing everything” about us.
They bleat their frustration and outrage, and rightfully so.
They threaten to leave, boycott, not leave a tip.
This horse left that particular barn SO long ago.
By the time we are aware of how entrenched IT is — WE are entrenched as well. I’ve thought a LOT about this. I have had the vagus-nerve-twitchies over it — this worry and concern — this FEAR that they KNOW everything. Maybe it’s my upbringing, and maybe it’s a stab at intrinsic bad-ass “Bring-it-ism”.
But, beloveds (to quote my home girl Molly Ivins — “Ya gotta dance with them what brung ya.” And that used to be true, yes indeedy.
However — at some tipping point, We The People — in our infinite public school playground wisdom — are going to do the Pissed-Off People Stomp. No more dancing. No more promenade right. No more do-si-do.
Watch us, track us, passive-aggressively “surveil” us.
Hall monitors: y’all can kiss my East Texas ass.
It don’t make me no nevermind.
There will always be more of us than you. -J