I was reading all your stuff, specifically about the huge bullies like Steve Jobs. I was curious, when I saw you described Jobs as dying of one of the "most easily cured" cancers. So I remembered that he died of pancreatic cancer, I looked it up, since I do not always trust my memory on these things. Jobs died of "pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, a rare form of pancreatic cancer" - which is what my own father died of a few years back. As I recall, that kind of cancer is right up there with ovarian cancer, in that by the time it is diagnosed, it's too late to attempt anything meaningful, like surgery or chemo. So since you mentioned it and I looked it up - which is it? Easily curable, or in the top two incurable? I know you pride yourself on accuracy, so I hope you do not mind that I asked. Thanks. JILL STREHL